收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.Doyouhaveafeelinglikethat? 浣犳湁娌℃湁瑙夊緱? Sometimesyoualwaysliketorecalling. 鏈夋鏃堕棿浣犱細鐗瑰埆鍠滄鍥炲繂, Andliketothinkofthepasttimeandpastthi

2.Ive had a crush on a boy for ages.but he doesnt even notice me.鎴戜竴鐩存殫鎭嬩竴涓敺鐢?鍙粬閮芥病姝g溂鐪嬭繃鎴戙€?/p>

3.Look back at me. Ive been behind you all the time.

4.Dont be afraid to have me by your side

5.I love you more than youll veer know . 鎴戞瘮浣犳兂璞′腑鐨勬洿鐖变綘銆?/p>

6.Is there anyone like me? Sometimes a joke is a true idea in the subconscious mind.

7.Love is putting someone elses needs before yours. 鐖卞氨鏄妸鏌愪釜浜虹湅寰楁瘮浣犺嚜宸遍噸瑕?/p>

8."Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.閬囪浣犳槸鍛借繍鐨勫畨鎺掕€岀埍涓婁綘鏄垜鎯呬笉鑷銆?

9.I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.鎴戝枩娆㈠苟涔犳儻浜嗗鍙樺寲鐨勪笢瑗夸繚鎸佺潃璺濈,杩欐牱鎵嶄細鐭ラ亾浠€涔堟槸鏈€涓嶄細琚椂闂存姏寮冪殑鍑嗗垯銆傛瘮濡傜埍涓€涓汉,鍏呮弧鍙樻暟,鎴戜簬鏄悗閫€涓€姝?闈欓潤鐨勭湅鐫€,鐩村埌鐪嬭鐪熻瘹鐨勬劅鎯呫€?/p>

10.I decided to like you all my life, not your life, but mine. As long as I am alive, I will always like it.

11.No one in your love can take the place of you.

12.I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream underthe light shedding through your window.鎴戞兂灏嗗浣犵殑鎬濆康瀵勪簣鏁h惤鐨勬槦瀛?浣嗘効閭g偣鐐圭殑鏄熷厜鑳界収杩涗綘鐨勭獥鍓?浼翠綘濂芥ⅵ銆?/p>

13.Do you know, l love you銆愪綘鐭ラ亾鍚楋紝鎴戠埍浣犮€?/p>

14.My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you everyminute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.姣忎竴澶╅兘涓轰綘蹇冭烦,姣忎竴鍒婚兘琚綘鎰熷姩,姣忎竴绉掗兘涓轰綘鎷呭績銆傛湁浣犵殑鎰熻鐪熷ソ銆?/p>

15.I never stopped waiting. 鎴戜粠鏈斁寮冭繃绛夊緟

16.You know someone means alot to you when their mood can easily affect yours.

17.Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart. 浣犵煡閬撲箞,鏈変釜浜烘椂鏃舵兂蹇电潃浣?鎯﹁浣?浣犲惈绗戠殑鐪肩潧,鍍忔槦鍏夐棯闂?缂€鍦ㄦ垜鐨勫績骞曚笂,澶滃浜櫠鏅躲€?/p>

18.Im always keeping my eyes on you,by the means you know or not.鎴戜竴鐩村湪鍏虫敞浣?鐢ㄤ竴鍒囦綘鐭ラ亾鎴栦笉鐭ラ亾鐨勬柟寮?/p>

19.Since you appear, I know that someone loves is so beautiful.

20.See how much I love you?(鐭ラ亾鎴戝鐖变綘鍚?)

21.He said I could be like a person. In fact, I know.浠栬鎴戝彲鑳芥槸鏆楁亱涓婁簡涓€涓汉銆傚叾瀹炴垜鐭ラ亾銆?/p>

22.You look more beautiful every time I see you. 姣忔瑙佸埌浣?浣犻兘鏇存紓浜€?/p>

23.I have a crush on him鎴戞浘鐑儓鐨?鐭殏鐨勬殫鎭嬭繃浠?/p>

24.my heart beats for you every day銆?iam inspired by you.姣忎竴澶╅兘涓轰綘蹇冭烦,姣忎竴鍒婚兘琚綘鎰熷姩,姣忎竴绉掗兘涓轰綘鎷呭績銆傛湁浣犵殑鎰熻鐪熷ソ銆?/p>

25.Before I planned no to see you any more.The simple "hello" has already changed my mind. 浠庡墠鎴戣鍒掍簡濂戒箙涓嶈鍐嶈浣?涓€鍙モ€滃ソ涔呬笉瑙佲€濆氨褰诲簳鏀瑰彉浜嗘垜鐨勬兂娉曘€?/p>

26.I like to present myself, I miss our past. 鈥?鎴戝枩娆㈢幇鍦ㄧ殑鑷繁,鎴戞€€蹇佃繃鍘荤殑鎴戜滑銆?/p>

27.Unfortunately, there is no you in the time.

28.Day in different space, miss in different time, no matter how the change of the world, you will always be my favorite.

29.You are like a fire in winter. You dont dare to get close to me. You dont dare to burn you. You dont dare to stay too far away. You are afraid to feel lonely and cold!

30.Dear I love you like a mouse love rice can not be a day without you.

31.Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.瀛ょ嫭瀵傚癁鐨勬椂鍊?鎴戜細闈欓潤鐨勬兂鐫€鏌愪汉銆?/p>

32.When you think of me, I have been missing you for a long time銆傚綋浣犳兂璧锋垜鐨勬椂鍊?鎴戝凡缁忔兂浣犲緢涔呬簡銆?/p>

33.no relationship is worth hiding and if you have to hide to be happy, maybe its not worth having.娌℃湁鍝鎭嬬埍搴旇琚棌璧锋潵,濡傛灉杩炲揩涔愪篃寰楀伔鍋锋懜鎽?涔熻杩欐鎭嬬埍鏍规湰涓嶅€煎緱鎷ユ湁銆?/p>

34.鍗冧竾涓€濆康,鍦ㄧ┖姘斾腑鍑濆浐銆傛壃璧烽鍚瑰悜浣?甯︾潃鎴戠殑绁濈,瀵傚癁鎴戜笉鍦ㄤ箮,浣犲揩涔愭垜灏辨弧瓒?鎯充綘鏄垜鐨勫垢绂?Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don鈥檛 care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!

35.Im not greedy. Theres only one small wish. Theres always you in my life.鎴戜笉璐績鍙湁涓€涓皬灏忕殑鎰挎湜鐢熷懡涓案杩滄湁浣?/p>

36.You know my lonelineis only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung foryou銆?/p>

37.In the world, there would be so a person silently watching you, loving you, but never to be close to you. 涓栫晫涓?鐪熺殑浼氭湁閭d箞涓€涓汉榛橀粯鍏虫敞鐫€浣?鐤肩埍鐫€浣?鍗存案杩滀笉鍐嶉潬杩戜綘銆?/p>

38.I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost the brilliance.

39.鏆楁亱Secret love

40.I dont believe in forever love, because I will love you more and more every day.

41.Is missing you in the dream.鍦ㄦⅵ閲屾兂鐫€浣?/p>

42.Like you, maybe I was wrong, falling in love with you, I really changed a lot! Fool, I love you!

43.You are here ,theres nothing I fear.鍙浣犲湪杩?灏辨棤鎵€鐣忔儳

44.I think of you night and day. 鎴戞椂鏃跺埢鍒婚兘鎯崇潃浣犮€?/p>

45.Since the first time I saw you,I felt something inside,I dont know if its love at first sight,I do know I really like you a lot. Tanya C Medeiros.

46.I always miss you ,so i miss you,so i miss you,so i miss you so much now.鎴戞€绘槸閫冮伩浣?浜庢槸鎴戦敊杩囦簡浣?缁堜簬鎴戝け鍘讳簡浣?浠ヨ嚦浜庢鍒荤殑鎴戝姝ゅ湴鎯冲康浣?/p>

47.鎴戝紑蹇冨湴鐫′簡銆傚湪姊﹂噷涔熶細閬囪浣犮€備綘璇翠綘涔熷枩娆㈡垜銆備綘璇翠綘涔熷枩娆㈡垜銆傚湪姊﹂噷涔熶細閬囪浣犮€傛垜寮€蹇冨湴鐫′簡銆俉emoer. I AM.

48.A boy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesnt. A girl will make you think she doesnt love you, when she really does. 鈥斺€斿緢澶氭椂鍊?鐢蜂汉浼氳浣犺寰椾粬鐖变笂浜嗕綘,鍏跺疄浠栫湡娌℃湁;鑰屽コ浜轰細璁╀綘瑙夊緱濂逛笉鍙兘浼氱埍涓婁綘,缁撴灉濂瑰嵈鍔ㄤ簡蹇冦€?/p>

49.When you need someone to listen, Ill be there. When you need a hug, Illbe there. When you need someone to hold your hand, Ill be there. When you needsomeone to wipe your tears, guess what? Ill be there. William Shakespeare.

50.Love you so I dont wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than adream.

51.Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, theromance, and you find out you still care for that person銆?/p>

52.Sometimes, the person you want the most, is the person youre best without. 鏈夋椂鍊?浣犳渶鎯冲緱鍒扮殑浜?鍏跺疄鏄綘鏈€搴旇绂诲紑鐨勪汉銆?/p>

53.Love you, hidden in my heart, warm in your heart!

54.You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung for you.

55.I will allways love you,theres no one who loves you like I do!

56.A man likes a woman. He will chase her anyway.鐢蜂汉鍠滄涓€涓コ浜?涓嶇鎬庢牱,浠栭兘浼氭妸濂硅拷鍒版墜銆傗€斺€斻€婂叾瀹炰粬娌¢偅涔堝枩娆綘銆?/p>

57.I love stars,and youre as beautiful as a star銆傛垜鍠滄鏄熸槦,鑰屼綘灏辫窡鏄熸槦鑸編涓姐€?/p>

58.Being someones first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.

59.Love is not about runninginto each other in crowds. Love is an impossible meeting. For example, I am abird flying in sky, you r a leopard in forest. We just fall in loveaccidentally.

60.鈥淐an you wait for me?鈥?鈥淣o, because Im leaving now鈥?鈥淏ut, I want to say a few words to you, just a minute, very fast.鈥?鈥淚. I. I. I like you, can you acpany me?鈥?鈥淏ut, Im going to go where you want to go鈥?鈥淎nd who?鈥?鈥淥f course, go with you, fool鈥?涓€鍒囬兘鏄偅涔堢殑缇庡ソ,鏈€缇庣殑鏃跺埢灏辨槸浣犲枩娆㈡垜,鎴戜篃鍠滄浣犲晩,鍌荤摐

61.Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows myheart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for mylifes time. Ifgraceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou I love you and would betogether with you forever銆?/p>

62.When you are sad, I would like to be able to rely on you.

63.Dont look forward to tomorrow, dont miss yesterday, to grasp today.涓嶆啩鎲槑澶?涓嶇暀蹇垫槰澶?鍙妸鎻′粖澶┿€?/p>

64.I do not know how to love you銆侺ooking at you is the only way I know銆備笉鐭ラ亾,濡備綍鐖变綘,鐪嬬潃浣?鏄垜鍞竴鐨勬柟寮忋€?/p>

65.甯稿父鎯宠捣鏇惧拰浣犲湪涓€璧风殑閭d簺鏃ュ瓙銆傚紑蹇冦€佸揩涔愩€佸垢绂忋€佸け钀姐€佷激蹇冦€佺棝鑻︾殑鎵€鏈夋棩瀛愩€傚緢鎯充綘,寰堟兂浣燭hose days when we were together appear in my mind time after time,because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so mach.

66.Dear,When thinking of you some happiness銆俉ell some sad銆?/p>

67.鏄熸槦鏄摱娌抽€掔粰鏈堜寒鐨勬儏涔?浣犳槸涓栫晫璧犱笌鎴戠殑鎭╄祼銆係tars are love letters from the Milky way to the moon. You are a gift from the world.

68.I really want to be your mobile phone, which is in your arms, in your hands, in your eyes and in your heart. The most important thing is always kissing you!

69.Im crazy about you. 鎴戜负浣犵棿杩枫€?/p>

70.Since when, you are in my heart occupied others, unshakable position.浠庝粈涔堟椂鍊欏紑濮?浣犲湪鎴戝績閲屽崰鎹簡鍒汉,涓嶅彲鍔ㄦ憞鐨勪綅缃€?/p>

71.Because I know I cant be without you, so I will treasure.

72.Its not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you.涓嶆槸鎭嬬埍鐨勬劅瑙夎鎴戝垢绂忚€屾槸鐖变笂浣犵殑鎰熻璁╂垜骞哥銆?/p>

73.Your passinate eyes are like glittering stars.They glitter in my heart lightly.

74.I love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.鈥斺€斾綘鏄垜

75.want to say goodbye may is not far. I believe that you can hear you.鎯宠鍐嶈鎰夸负鏃朵笉杩溿€傛垜鍧氫俊浣犺兘鍚銆?/p>

76.I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. Even if let me say this one thousand times,I will never get tired of it.鎴戞兂浣?鎴戞兂浣?鎴戞兂浣犲憖 鍗充娇璁╂垜璇翠竴鍗冮亶鎴戜篃姘歌繙涓嶄細鍘屽€︺€?/p>

77."You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.浣犲彲鐭ユ垜鐧惧勾鐨勫瀵傚彧涓轰綘涓€浜哄畧渚?鍗冨鐨勬亱姝屽彧涓轰綘涓€浜鸿€屽敱銆?

78.Love you so I don鈥斺€攖 wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.

79.Company is the longest love confession, missing is the most sincere waiting.闄即鏄渶闀挎儏鐨勫憡鐧?鎬濆康鏄渶鐪熷績鐨勭瓑寰呫€?/p>

80.Every day for your heart, every moment you touched, every second for you to worry about. It feels so good to have you.



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